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Learn the ins and outs of business

通过文森斯大学的工商管理课程,深入了解商业的多样化世界 & Management program.

对办公室管理有全面的了解, sales, retailing, finance, materials distribution, and the intricacies of small business operations. 让自己具备当今充满活力的商业环境所要求的多种技能.
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Jennifer Pacheco

Program Chair

在博士的指导下,加入成功商业专业人士的行列. Jennifer Pacheco, 拥有近三十年商业和工业经验的资深人士. 她在文森斯大学担任商业项目系主任, 您将受益于她在领导不同领域的大型和小型团队方面的丰富专业知识, including her background in the United States Army.

Bachelor Degrees

Asset Publisher



学生可以在文森斯和贾斯珀校区获得商业管理学士学位, or online. 该课程旨在为学生提供对商业原则的广泛理解, 使他们非常适合商业世界的各种职业.

查看技术-管理和领导学士学位集中,B.S. degree

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Please reach out to us at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 or call 812-888-4313 for more information.

Associate Degrees

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Accounting, A.S.C.T.

Accounting, A.S.C.T.

学生可以获得会计副学士学位. After graduating, 学生可以在不同的机构继续他们的学士学位教育, 或者他们可能会在中小型企业找到会计的工作.

View the Accounting, A.S.C.T. degree
Become a Student in Accounting, A.S.C.T.
Advanced Accounting Concentration, A.S.C.T.

Advanced Accounting Concentration, A.S.C.T.

学生可以获得文森斯大学的高级会计副学士学位. 完成课程的学生可以开始在中小型企业寻找工作, 或者他们可以在另一个机构继续他们的教育.

View the Advanced Accounting Concentration, A.S.C.T. degree


你可以获得农业综合企业的副学士学位,主修园艺和景观设计. When you graduate, 你将准备转到四年制大学,或者你可以开始寻找在温室或花园种植各种植物的职业.

查看农业综合企业-园艺和景观设计专业,A.S.C.T. degree
Business Administration, A.S.

Business Administration, A.S.

View the Business Administration, A.S. degree
Become a Student in Business Administration, A.S.
Business Management, A.S.C.T.

Business Management, A.S.C.T.

View the Business Management, A.S.C.T. degree
Become a Student in Business Management, A.S.C.T.
Cosmetology, A.S.C.T.

Cosmetology, A.S.C.T.

学生可以获得美容学的副学士学位, 是什么为她们成为美容院老板做好了准备, make-up artist, sales technician, salon manager, facial and skin expert, hair stylist, hair coloring technician, and cosmetic stylist. 完成课程后,毕业生有资格获得国家颁发的执照.

View the Cosmetology, A.S.C.T. degree
Become a Student in Cosmetology, A.S.C.T.
General Studies - Business Studies, A.S.C.T.

General Studies - Business Studies, A.S.C.T.

View the General Studies - Business Studies, A.S.C.T. degree

Have questions?

Please reach out to us at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 or call 812-888-4313 for more information.

Certificate Programs

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Accounting Principles Certificate, C.G.

Accounting Principles Certificate, C.G.

学生可以获得文森斯大学的会计原理证书. 本课程满足GS-510会计教育要求. Graduates may transfer to a four-year institution, 或者他们可能会在中小型企业找到会计的工作.

View the Accounting Principles Certificate, C.G. degree
Accounting, C.G.

Accounting, C.G.

学生可以获得会计专业的毕业证书. Upon graduation, 学生们可能会在中小型企业找到会计的工作, 或者他们可以继续他们的教育,以获得会计副学士学位.

View the Accounting, C.G. degree
Become a Student in Accounting, C.G.
Accounting, C.P.C.

Accounting, C.P.C.

获得会计课程结业证书可以为毕业生打开一个充满可能性的世界. 那些毕业生可能会找一份会计的工作, 或者他们可以在四年制大学继续他们的教育.

View the Accounting, C.P.C. degree
Become a Student in Accounting, C.P.C.
Advanced Quality Management, C.P.C.

Advanced Quality Management, C.P.C.

View the Advanced Quality Management, C.P.C. degree
Banking, C.P.C.

Banking, C.P.C.

View the Banking, C.P.C. degree
Become a Student in Banking, C.P.C.
Business Management Direct Supervision, C.G.

Business Management Direct Supervision, C.G.

查看业务管理直接监督,C.G. degree
Business Management Direct Supervision, C.P.C.

Business Management Direct Supervision, C.P.C.

查看业务管理直接监督,C.P.C. degree


学生可获得工商管理办公室技术证书, 如何为毕业生在各种专业办公环境中的职业生涯做好准备, 因为他们将有机会获得微软办公软件的认证. 毕业生也可以通过完成信息技术专业继续他们的教育.

查看商务办公管理技术证书,C.G. degree
Drone/UAS Certification, C.P.C.

Drone/UAS Certification, C.P.C.

At 澳门足球博彩官方网址, 学生可以获得驾驶无人机或无人驾驶飞机系统(UAS)的资格证书。. 这将使他们能够为各种目的操作无人机, including aerial photography, surveying, mapping, and more.

View the Drone/UAS Certification, C.P.C. degree
Become a Student in Drone/UAS Certification, C.P.C.
Entrepreneurship, C.P.C.

Entrepreneurship, C.P.C.

View the Entrepreneurship, C.P.C. degree
Become a Student in Entrepreneurship, C.P.C.
Management Training Certificate, C.P.C.

Management Training Certificate, C.P.C.

View the Management Training Certificate, C.P.C. degree
Office Accountant Training Certificate, C.P.C.

Office Accountant Training Certificate, C.P.C.

学生可获得文森斯大学颁发的办公室会计培训证书. Graduates may transfer to a four-year institution, 或者他们可能会在中小型企业找到会计的工作.

View the Office Accountant Training Certificate, C.P.C. degree
Sales Training, C.P.C.

Sales Training, C.P.C.

View the Sales Training, C.P.C. degree
Become a Student in Sales Training, C.P.C.

Have questions?

Please reach out to us at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 or call 812-888-4313 for more information.

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